A long travel across United States from New York to Houston : UNITED STATES

msbara : north america : united states : new york, pittsburgh, washington, annapolis, charleston, savannah, houston, miami, jacksonville, orlando, tampa, new orleans
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A long travel across United States from New York to Houston

New York, Pittsburgh, Washington, Annapolis, Charleston, Savannah, Houston, Miami, Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, New Orleans

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A long travel across United States from New York to Houston

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My second time on the East Coast, this time for a journey longer, in some ways exhausting, exhilarating for others (for the photos, thanks to Daniela Patanè)


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New York, my debut

I think I'm a connoisseur of the United States, there have been several times. But, a lover of open spaces of the West, I had avoided the big cities on the east coast almost always. Above all, I always avoided New York. And it was clearly a mistake. We spent almost all of our three days in Manhattan on traditional paths, but also Brooklyn we liked a lot.
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Pennsylvanya, Here I am

In a previous holiday I had seen Philadelphia, Gettysburg and Amish counties, this time my destination was Pittsburgh, where I expected the challenge from Steelers NFL football and my beloved Indianapolis Colts. 600 km, but it was worth it. We have been treated like God, filled with beer and burgers, and the city is pretty, beautiful Mues Warhol. And then we have won ...
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After Pittsburgh and an excellent dinner in a restaurant Amish come to Washington. There is the sun, is the day of the veterans, the Vietnam Memorial Wall is crowded. I had been there, but this time the emotion is different. There's so many people that we can not go to Arlington Cemetery. I've already seen, but should see the other. And we return the next day
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Heading south

After a dinner in Annapolis (it's destiny, we always go and only at night, I've never seen a day), the next morning we leave for Virginia, arrived in Charleston, South Carolina. You start to smell the deep South, which becomes very strong smell in the next step in Savannah, Georgia.
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The Florida I don't like..

I did not like Miami so much, I liked both Jacksonville, so I did not like even Orlando and Tampa. Too gigionesca the first, the second too small. Where only saves me a better football game between Vikings and Buccaneers. Not little, anyway.
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New Orleans, here we are!

For girls who were with me the most coveted time. Crossing West Florida (many white beaches, too many hotels), we do in one bite Mississippi and Alabama, and after nearly two days of travel we arrive in New Orleans. Simply amazing, there is a nice small hotel in the French Quarter, and then we made merry for three days.
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Finally in Texas

Greeted with too many regrets in New Orleans, we head to Texas, however, not before some digression in Louisiana. We arrive in Houston, which still bears the signs of Hurricane Ike which struck in September, and live a day in the city center. Houston does not seem to offer much, but still managed to enjoy it. The next day, then there is the NASA visit. That is the last cartridge gone, then for us there is only air
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